Petitions Committee


Meeting Venue:

Committee Room 1 - Senedd




Meeting date:

Tuesday, 16 June 2015




Meeting time:

09.05 - 10.09




This meeting can be viewed on Senedd TV at:



Concise Minutes:




Assembly Members:


William Powell (Chair)

Russell George

Bethan Jenkins

Joyce Watson













Committee Staff:


Steve George (Clerk)

Kayleigh Driscoll (Deputy Clerk)

Kath Thomas (Deputy Clerk)





1   Introduction, apologies and substitutions

The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting there were no apologies.




2   New petitions




2.1     P-04-637 To Protect the Future of Youth Music in Wales


The Committee considered the petition for the first time and agreed to write to:





2.2     P-04-624 That Foster Carers be Permitted to be Registered with More Than One Local Authority


The Committee considered the petition for the first time and agreed to await the petitioner’s views on the Minister’s letter with a view to asking the Minister when he intends to take advice from CSSIW and to let the Committee know the outcome of that advice.




2.3     P-04-636 Statutory Sex and Relationships Education (SRE)


The Committee considered the petition for the first time and agreed to write to:





2.4     P-04-638 Emergency Services - Power of Entry


The Committee considered the petition for the first time and agreed to write to:


·         the Deputy Minister to ask that he provides a substantive response to the petitioners points many of which seem reasonable on the face of it; and

·         the Welsh Ambulance Service Trust seeking their views on the petition, the Minister’s reply and the petitioner’s response.




2.5     P-04-639 Save Further Education in Powys


The Committee considered the petition for the first time and agreed to:



Russell George noted an interest in the petition.




3   Updates to previous petitions




3.1     P-04-346 Free Childcare for 3-4 Year Olds in Wales


The Committee considered the petition and agreed to write to await comments from the petitioner but if no substantive comments are forthcoming within 6 weeks, close the petition.




3.2     P-04-522 Asbestos in Schools


The Committee considered the petition and agreed to:





3.3     P-04-571 Treating Pernicious Anaemia


The Committee considered the petition and agreed to:





3.4     P-04-601  Proposed Ban on the Use of e-cigarettes in Public Places


The Committee considered the petition and agreed to write to keep a watching brief on the petition given that the consideration of this issue will now be a specific matter for HSC and the Assembly as a whole to consider in due course.





3.5     P-04-603 Helping Babies Born at 22 Weeks to Survive


The Committee considered the petition and agreed to await the response to the Health Committee’s letter to the Chief Medical Officer. 




3.6     P-04-597 Protect the future of Funky Dragon, the Children and Young People’s Assembly for Wales


The Committee considered the petition and agreed to:





3.7     P-04-605 Save the Cwmcarn Forest Drive from Indefinite or Permanent Closure


The Committee considered the petition and agreed to maintain a watching brief as requested by the petitioner and revisit the petition at a future meeting and consider closure at that time.






The Committee considered the petition and agreed to seek the Minister’s views on the Petitioner’s further comments.




3.9     P-04-627 Improve Commuter Train Services in North Wales


The Committee considered the petition and agreed to await the petitioner’s views on the Minister’s correspondence.
